Sanyo has been in business since 1949. Sanyo is a Fortune 500 Japanese Electronics Company located in Osaka, Japan.

Sanyo strongly suggest that after your purchase their product, you go online and register your Sanyo product to receive safety notifications, warranty service and confirm your ownership of the product in case of an insurance loss claim. Failure to register your product will NOT diminish your warranty rights but it will make management of your product much easier.

NOTE: please visit the site directly to verify the details and obtain more information.

If you are a new or current customer that needs to activate your new Sanyo product registration, read below. We have provided a quick “how to” activation guide below to access the activation page to activate your Sanyo product registration online.

how to activate – Sanyo Product Registration

what you need in advance:

  • internet access
  • have an official Sanyo product
  • Sanyo product details
  • personal information

what to do:

  • visit:
  • type in your name in the spaces provided
  • type in your address in the spaces provided
  • type in a valid email address in the spaces provided
  • type in a contact number in the space provided
  • choose how you preferred to be contacted
  • select your product type
  • type in your model number in the space provided
  • type in the purchase date in the space provided
  • type in the serial number in the space provided
  • SKIP the case number field
  • choose “Registration” under the inquiry type
  • type in any other details in the “Message” section
  • type in the four characters that appears on your screen in the space provided
  • click on the “Submit” button

NOTE: you will still need to keep proof of purchase documents in a safe place to support the warranty of your new product.

IF this registration is for for a Sanyo TV which model number ends with T or purchased before 2014, click here to register. Follow the same steps listed above.