Aetna Insurance Company was founded in 1853 in Hartford, CT. It was organized an annuity fund to sell life insurance however in 1853 the Annuity department separated from Aetna Insurance and was incorporated as Aetna Life Insurance Company. The “Aetna” name was kept to take advantage of the well founded reputation of the original Aetna. They are committed to providing individuals, employers, health care professionals, producers and others with progressive benefits, products and services. If you are part of the Aetna family, you will want to frequently use Docfind. This is a directory of health care professionals with Aetna’s network. NOTE: please visit the site directly to verify the details and obtain more information. If you need to find a health care professional or facility with in Aetna’s network, review the steps below. We have provided a quick “how to” guide below for you to search the Aetna Docfind Directory of Health Care Professionals online.
how to activate- Aetna Docfind Directory of Health Care Professionals
what you need:
- internet access
what to do:
- visit:
- in the “Who or what are you looking for?” box type in a name, specialty, procedure or condition
- in the “Where?” box, type in the zip code, city, or state
- click on the orange “SEARCH” button
- view the results