Cosatto highly recommends that your product be registered in order to take advantage of their free 4 Year Guarantee Product Service. Fast repairs, free inspections and much more.
NOTE: please visit the site directly to verify the details and obtain more information.
If you are a new or current customer that needs to activate your new Cosatto 4 Year Guarantee product registration, read below. We have provided a quick “how to” activation guide below to access the activation page to activate your Cosatto 4 Year Guarantee product registration.
how to activate – Cosatto 4 Year Guarantee Product Registration
what you need in advance:
- internet access
- have an official Cosatto product
- have product details
what to do:
- visit:
- select a title
- type in and provide your first name and surname in the spaces provided
- provide your house no./street, district, town/city, country and postcode int the spaces provided
- provide your family details and how you heard of Cosatto
- create an account by provided a valid email in the space provided
- create and type in a password in the spaces provided
- review the terms and conditions and then click the box to agree to them
- click on the “Create account” button
- next to the left, click on the “Your Guarantees” link
- click on the “Register Products” button
- continue to move forward and follow the prompts to register your product online