Since Oct. 1, 2008, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is the new official name for the federal Food Stamp Program. The Food and Nutrition Service works with State agencies, nutrition educators, and neighborhood and faith-based organizations to make sure that those eligible for nutrition assistance can make informed decisions about applying for SNAP and can access benefits. FNS also works with State partners and the retail community to better program administration and provide program integrity. SNAP provides nutrition assistance to eligible, low-income individuals and families and gives economic benefits to communities. SNAP is the biggest program available in the domestic hunger safety net. The following is a list of eligible food items updated on 07/18/2014:
- breads and cereals
- fruits and vegetables
- meats, fish and poultry
- dairy products
- seeds and plants which produce food for the household to eat
In some regions, restaurants are authorized to accept SNAP benefits from qualified homeless, elderly, or disabled people in exchange for low-cost meals.
The following is a list of ineligible food items updated on 07/18/2014:
- beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes or tobacco
- pet foods
- soaps, paper products
- household supplies
- vitamins and medicines
- food that will be eaten in the store
- hot foods
NOTE: please visit the site directly to verify the details and obtain more information. If you need to apply for SNAP, review the steps below. We have provided a quick “how to” guide below for you to access the official online application for SNAP for your state.
how to activate- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) application online
what you need:
- internet access
- personal information
what to do:
- visit:
- choose the state that you need
- follow the directions once you are redirected to the official website for that state to apply for SNAP online