At you can apply for health insurance coverage. This will meet the requirement to avoid the penalty by the government for not having health insurance. Some individuals refer to this as “Obamacare” but this website is the legitimate place to buy health coverage if you are not going through an insurance company.
Be sure to hurry and enroll before the 2014 deadline of March 31st, 2014. You will need to maintain health coverage in 2014 or pay a penalty. If you don’t keep coverage the penalty can be $95 per adult and $47.50 per child or 1% of your income, whichever is greater. Once you are enrolled you can take advantage of benefits such as going to a doctor, receiving emergency care when needed, and taking care of prescriptions at pharmacies.
If you don’t sign up before them, you will have to wait until November 15, 2014 to February 15, 2015 to sign up for coverage for 2015 coverage. We have provided a quick “how to” activation guide below for you to activate your Health Insurance Marketplace plan at HealthCare.GOV.
how to activate – HealthCare.Gov MarketPlace Insurance Plan
what you need:
- internet access
- a valid email address
- personal information
what to do:
- visit
- from the drop down box select the state you live in
- click on the green “apply” button
- enter in your name
- enter in a valid email address
- create and enter in a password
- from the drop down box select a security question and type in the answer, do this 3 times
- click on the box that agrees to the terms and conditions
- click on the green “create account” button
- receive a screen confirming that you did successfully activate your HealthCare.Gov MarketPlace insurance plan online