H&R Block has been processing tax returns since 1955. They have over 11,500 locations within the United States including 100 taxes offices on military bases for U.S. soldiers. As of 2015, they are the biggest tax services provider across the globe. NOTE: please visit the site directly to verify the details and obtain more information.
If you would like to check on the current status of your tax refund with H&R Block, read below. We have provided a quick and basic “how to” guide below on how to check on the official status of your IRS refund status filed with H&R Block online.
how to activate – H&R Block Refund Status Check Request:
what you need:
- internet access
- social security number
- status of filing for your taxes
- refund amount (exact)
- other personal information
what to do :
- visit: www.hrblock.com/tax-offices/tax-refund-payment
- click on the green link titled “IRS refund status” located in the lower middle page
- on the next page in the paragraph titled “Tracking every move” click on the green link titled “Where’s My Refund?” which will redirect you the official IRS website
- click on the pop up box button “Ok”
- type in the required information in the spaces provided
- click on the grey “Submit” button and review the tax refund status online