The Saudi Arabian Comprehensive Benefit Health and Dental Plan or SACB-HDP is provided to the Saudi Arabian government sponsored students, trainees and certain approved dependants in Canada.

NOTE: please visit the site directly to verify the details and obtain more information.

If you are a healthcare provide that needs to submit an online eligibility verification, read below. We have provided a quick “how to” guide below to verify whether a plan member or a dependant is covered under the SACB-HDP.

how to activate – SACB-HDP Verification 

what you need in advance:

  • internet access
  • Certificate Number
  • Saudi ID Number
  • other information

what to do:

  • visit:
  • type in and provide the certificate number in the space provided
  • type in and provide the Saudi number in the space provided
  • type in and provide the date of birth in the space provided
  • select the relation from the drop down box
  • click on the “Submit” button for results