Ace Hardware Corporation is owned solely and exclusively by the local Ace retail entrepreneurs. It was founded in 1924 in Chicago by a group of hardware store owners.Ace has more than 4,700 locations worldwide. Reasons to join the Ace Rewards Loyalty Program:
- receive bonus points when you join
- free to join
- earn points ($1 = 10 points)
- redeem points for rewards (2,500 points = $5 Reward)
- get sale reminders
- get coupons
- get tips
- get other instant store savings
NOTE: please visit the site directly to verify the details and obtain more information.
Before you can get the most of your new Ace Rewards Loyalty Program account, you will need to register for it. If you are a customer that needs to activate your personal Ace Rewards Loyalty Program account, read below. We have provided a quick “how to” activation guide below to activate your Ace Rewards Loyalty Program account online.
how to activate – Hyatt World of Hyatt Rewards Loyalty Program
what you need in advance:
- internet access
- personal information
what to do if you want to activate your personal Hyatt World of Hyatt Rewards Loyalty Program account online:
- visit:
- click on the “JOIN ACE REWARDS NOW” button
- under the “Need an account?” section type in a valid email address
- create and type in a password
- click on the “REGISTER” button
- type in your name in the spaces provided
- type in your address in the spaces provided
- type in a contact number in the space provided
- input your date of birth
- input your homeowner status and gender
- click on your preferences
- click on the “SUBMIT” button