Souper Salad was founded in 1978 in Houston, Texas. Their headquarters are in Dallas, Texas. Today, Souper Salad offers customers the opportunity to join the Souper Fresh Club. Reasons to create an a Souper Fresh Club account:
- free, fast & easy to join
- earn points that can be used for rewards
- receive exclusive offers and emails
- most points never expire
NOTE: please visit the site directly to verify the details and obtain more information.
Before you can get the most of your personal Souper Salad Souper Fresh Club account, you will need to apply online or activate your account online. If you are a customer that needs to activate your personal Souper Salad Souper Fresh Club account, read below. We have provided a quick “how to” activation guide below to create a Souper Salad Souper Fresh Club account now.
how to activate – an official Souper Salad Souper Fresh Club Account online
what you need in advance:
- internet access
- personal information
what to do if you want to activate an official application for a Souper Salad Souper Fresh Club Account online:
- visit:
- click on the “Without a card” button
- type in your name in the spaces provided
- type in your contact number in the space provided
- type in your date of birth in the spaces provided
- type in an valid email address in the space provided
- create and type in a user name in the space provided
- create and type in a password in the spaces provided
- select your preferred location and/store
- click on the ”Submit” button
- NOTE: keep track of your new card number
what to do if you want to activate an official application for a Souper Salad Souper Fresh Club Account online with a previous card:
- visit:
- type in your card number in the space provided
- click on the “I’m not a robot” box
- click on the “Submit” box
- OR
- visit:
- click on the “I have a card” button
- type in your card number in the space provided
- click on the “I’m not a robot” box
- click on the “Submit” box