Axis Bank is located in Pandurang Budhkar Marg, Worli, Mumbai. As of 2014 they are the 3rd largest private sector bank in India and has been operating since 1994. One of the awards given to Axis Bank in 2014 was to be featured in Forbes as one of Asia’s Fab50 companies for the fourth time. They also won the Best Financial Advisor (Private Bank) at the UTI MF & CNBC TV 18 Financial Advisor Awards 2013 – 14. NOTE: please visit the site directly to verify the details and obtain more information.
If you are a new Axis Bank debit card customer you will want to activate the card immediately. We have provided a quick “how to” activation guide below for you to activate your new Axis Bank debit card online.
how to activate- Axis Bank Debit Card Online:
what you need:
- internet access
- have an official Axis Bank Debit Card
- personal information
what to do to activate an Axis Bank Debit Card Online:
- visit:
- review the information to find that to activate the debit card you will need to use it at any Visa/MasterCard ATM in India or Overseas and have your debit card, ATM PIN, Account Number and mobile phone handy before you start the online password generation NOTE: to get immediate access to your account, generate your password online in 3 simple steps :
- enter in your personal Customer ID, Account Number and Mobile Number that is registered with the Bank
- confirm your debit card details and enter the ATM/Debit Card PIN
- create and enter in your password and confirm it with One Time Password (OTP) sent to your registered mobile number or email