Chase has partnered with AARP to provide a credit card that offers many rewards. You can receive unlimited amounts of 3% cash back rewards when you spend money on gas and restaurants along with 1% on all other purchases. The Chase AARP card rewards have no expiration. They allow you to choose how you want to redeem your rewards such as by cash back, gift cards, travel arrangements or merchandise from brand name companies.  The added protection on the Chase AARP card features the following and more:

Price Protection: allows you to receive a refund on items that were marked down or on sale NOTE: please visit the site directly for more details, information and verification

Purchase Protection: allows you to claim up to $250 in lost, stolen or damaged items

Return Protection: allows you to get reimbursement up to $250 if the retailer will not take your return

Extended Protection: allows you to receive another year on your original warranty

Zero Liability Protection: provided you safety from unauthorized card use

We have provided a quick “how to” activation guide below for you to activate or verify your Chase AARP online account with Chase Online.

how to activate- Chase AARP Credit Card Online Account

what you need:

  • internet access
  • social security number
  • valid Chase account, credit/debit card
  • email or phone number on file with Chase
  • other personal information

what to do:

  • visit:
  • to the far right of the sige under the “Manage My Account” tab click on the “Get a user Id >” button
  • proceed to provide all the required and requested information on all the screen until you arrive at the confirmation page and can now log in to manage your account