There really are not a lot of concerns with Discover Credit Cards. They have some of the most up to date security options out there and they have worked hard to make sure that their customers are secure, no matter where they are shopping. As long as you are careful with when and where you use your Discover Card, you can feel safe and secure in what you’re doing and how much you are spending with your card.
If you currently have a Discover credit or debit card you will want to make payments online or pay off you card balance. NOTE: please visit the site directly to verify details and receive more information. We have provided a quick “how to” activation guide below for you to activate Discover online payments.
how to activate – Discover online payments
what you need:
- internet access
- a valid Discover card
- other personal information
what to do:
- visit
- click on the link titled “Make Online Payments”
- if you have a current account log in but if you do not then click on the “Register” button
- type in your Discover card number in the space provided
- from the drop down box input your expiration date
- from the next set of drop down boxes select the date of birth for the primary account holder
- type in the last four digits of the primary account holder’s social security number
- click on the “Continue” button
- provide all the required information on the “Create Login” screen and continue forward
- provide all the requested information on the “Set Preferences” screen and then submit your request
- begin managing your online account and start making online payments