RedGage LLC. became available to the public in 2007. Below is the most recent company location and contact numbers:

  • 1674 Meridian Avenue

    Suite 106

    Miami Beach, FL 33139

  • Phone: 305-209-8718
  • Fax: 305-674-4417

RedGage is a website based company that is similar to Twitter, Flickr, Blogger and Facebook in that it allows members to upload their own personal content except they pay their members part of the earning from the advertisements that they choose to post. All official members receive a RedGage card to manage/spend funds earned. NOTE: please visit the site directly to verify the details and obtain more information.

If you are a current RedGage member you will want to frequently access your online account. We have provided a quick “how to” activation guide below for you to activate access to your personal RedGate Login online.

how to activate- RedGage Login Online: 

what you need:

  • internet access
  • have an official account with RedGage
  • user name and password

what to do to activate personal access to RedGage Login Online:

  • visit:
  • type in your username on file with Redgage in the field provided in the “Login” box
  • type in your current password on file with RedGage in the field provided
  • click on the red “Login”button and begin managing your account