Shopko Stores Operating Co., LLC has been in business since 1962. Their headquarters are in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Shopko has over 350 locations. Reasons to join the Shopko Cash Rewards My Extra Savings Card Loyalty Program:
- receive 10 or more exclusive Shopko coupons each year
- advance notice of sales
- get an anniversary coupon
- get a birthday coupon
- fill your prescriptions at Shopko’s Pharmacy and earn coupons
- earn Shopko cash rewards
- free to join
NOTE: please visit the site directly to verify the details and obtain more information.
Before you can get the most of your new Shopko Cash Rewards My Extra Savings Card Loyalty Program account, you will need to register for it. If you are a customer that needs to activate your personal Shopko Cash Rewards My Extra Savings Card Loyalty Program account, read below. We have provided a quick “how to” activation guide below to activate your Shopko Cash Rewards My Extra Savings Card Loyalty Program account online.
how to activate -Shopko Cash Rewards My Extra Savings Card Loyalty Program
what you need in advance:
- internet access
- personal information
what to do if you want to activate your personal Shopko Cash Rewards My Extra Savings Card Loyalty Program account online:
- visit:
- click on any “sign up now” link
- click on the “CREATE AN ACCOUNT” button
- type in your name in the spaces provided
- type in a valid email address in the spaces provided
- create and type in a password in the spaces provided
- type in a valid zip code
- click on the “Yes, sign me up to receive emails on promotions, special offers, surveys, contests and other communications.” box
- click on the “CREATE AN ACCOUNT” button
- click on “NO I’d like to enroll”
- type in your name, address, contact number and provide other persona details in the spaces provided
- click on the “Click to confirm” button
- review the information you provided
- click on the “Enroll” button
- you will then be able to print your loyalty card and manage your account