Cinnabon has been in business since 1985. The first bakery was in a mall in Seattle, Washington. Reasons to join the Cinnabon E-club Coupons & Offers Loyalty Program:
- receive a free coupon for a Minibon roll
- receive other coupons and offers
NOTE: please visit the site directly to verify the details and obtain more information.
Before you can get the most of your new Cinnabon E-club Coupons & Offers Loyalty Program account, you will need to join online. If you are a customer that needs to activate your personal Cinnabon E-club Coupons & Offers Loyalty Program account, read below. We have provided a quick “how to” activation guide below to activate a Cinnabon E-club Coupons & Offers Loyalty Program account online.
how to activate – Cinnabon E-club Coupons & Offers Loyalty Program
what you need in advance:
- internet access
- personal information
what to do if you want to activate Cinnabon | E-club | Coupons & Offers | Loyalty Program:
- visit:
- in the top right hand corner, click on the “OFFERS” button
- a drop down box will appear
- type in a valid email address in the space provided
- type in your zip code in the space provided
- click on the “I agree to the terms & conditions” box
- click on the “Sign me up” button
- check your email for offers, coupons and updates